Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Tired tired tired

Last night, I didn't get home until nearly 9 after taking care of the dogs, running to the gym, liquor store, cleaners (closed, tyvm) and grocery store... I decided to make a meatloaf and threw in some basil, onion, salt, pepper, worcesthire (sp?), spicy mustard and chopped parsley. Didn't get it into the oven until 9, ate after 10. BAD HABIT. Although Ken didn't get home from his meeting at the rescue squad until late anyway, (granted, it was only 9:15)... So, I was stressed. Naturally, made a martini, then took a glass of wine with us up to bed, which I surprisingly finished while watching the Daily Show and Colbert Report. Usually we go up and I fall asleep nearly immediately (although not as quickly as Ken) and wake up in the middle of the night to turn the TV off.

Last night I was delayed because I rolled out the new Spring Break thing here at work yesterday. Well, thats not a good reason, it was the errands more than anything. Tonight in the office is abs class at 5pm. Food-wise, yogurt, protein bar, lunch was catered meeting and I ate a TON (nothing AWFULLY unhealthy, but I did eat a big ole chocolate chip cookie for dessert). I mean, I *AM* trying to gain weight, right? :) Today has been meeting HELL with three very nearly back to back meetings (although the lunch 'brown bag' was our wellness program, so enjoyable enough). I need to get February statements out... At least before my boss (Anne) gets back next week... tomorrow or Thursday... and, of course, I have lunch plans each day... grrr....

Naturally, I packed a bag for abs class and left it sitting on the front chair, so ran out to Filene's basement just now and picked up a cheap shirt, socks, and shorts. Ran over to City Sports (who robs you, but there are no options downtown) and picked up some compression shorts. I figure I can never have enough of those if I am going to keep working out a lot...

And I apologize for my total overuse today of the ellipsis. Lynne Truss would be totally pissed at me. :)


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