Friday, March 24, 2006

Progress, slow but sure

Weighed myself this morning, 193. So thats progress, albeit slow. Of course, in my little pea brain I want everything yesterday, but its all good. SO glad its Friday. Looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend (which won't happen, have plans tonight and tomorrow night). I've decided to end the dreadfully boring (for me, and probably coma inducing for anyone who actually would ever READ this thing) task of listing what I am eating daily. Suffice it to say I am trying to keep at about 200g of protein a day, and do so with as little fat and complex carbohydrates as possible. I feel like I am eating all the time, but so far the waist is okay.

Work has been dead this week since the boss is on vacation. I hope to get out of here by about 3pm today and take advantage of the sunny (albeit cool) day.

I wore a short sleeve shirt in to work today, I refuse to let this crappy cold weather change how I *should* be dressing this time of year. :)

Good editorial in the Blade this week about how the gay community is sadly divisive. You can find it here: Of course, I was just about the worst offender at casting dispersions (not necessarily at nelly people, since I was only about a 5 on the butch scale myself), especially at 'trolls' and folks who didn't fit the perfect body mold/hair/face/whatever of the young gay mindset. I wish I could say I had an epiphany and woke up one day to realize how awful I was and decided to never do it again; alas, it wasn't until I got over 40 and became the victim of the same attitudinal issues. I guess I am at the shallow end of the humility pool...

Wonkette and Princess Sparkle Pony clearly are taking the afternoon off having beers or something, because they are not updating nearly enough. :)

I still cannot get over the fact that Cheney requires all televisions in the hotel rooms he is going to be staying in to be pretuned to Fox "News". That just amazes me. I mean, I know he is an idiot who is determined to lead us down a path of divisiveness that will lead to such divides between rich and poor that we can only begin to imagine, but now really, Dick...

And, finally, in the oh my god, how could we not have thought of this earlier category...

I am still amazed at that. You know, just in case the guy you're with smells like cheese down there or something. Ugh.


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