Marriage. Pain in the butt. ;-)
So, today was the agreed upon day that we need to clean out the back yard. The annual, "oh my God, it is such a sty, let's shovel the two bags of dog poop out and clean it up" day, and Ken has decided to spend the day at the squad, leaving me to take care of it. Ugh.
Oh well, I could just NOT do it, but that would annoy me even more, especially with the fence falling down back there and everything else that is wrong with it.
I know, whine, whine, whine.
On a completely unrelated note, I am in love with David Archuleta's voice. I would so buy a CD of his stuff. I should note that I do not actually *watch* AI, I just download his performances after the fact. Love him. Wish he would grow a set and realize that he *deserves* the raves that he is getting; the whole "aw, shucks" thing was cute for the first 6 weeks, now he needs to live up to his stardom. :-)