Or whatever. Totally tired today (nice alliterative) beginning... ;-) Went to the chorus after party yesterday and had a martini and then went home and MADE ANOTHER ONE. Went to sleep well after midnight and when the alarm went off at 6, well, lets just say I was WAY tired. The fact that Ken was all chipper and stuff this morning didn't help my headache. Rare that I get headaches from drinking anymore (largely because I'm not pounding down 14 cape cods while standing around smoking in JRs anymore, more than likely). One of the chorines (actually one of the three that I had a trio with at the December concert) asked what I had been up to, and when I did the obligatory ("oh, you know, not much") he said, "well, obviously you have been workin' out, wow..." That TOTALLY made my head swell...
I have decided that I need to totally lay off the online shopping, I decide I want something, and, 5 minutes later it is winging its way to me, at the demise of my credit cards. I really need to get it in check.
In the shopping addiction vein, I am off every other Friday (this is soon going to change to every Friday if I get my way). Last Friday was my 'flex' day, and the house being relatively clean and my errands/bills being largely caught up, I decided I wanted to take a trek to the outlets at Leesburg, as I had never been. I largely expected, well, not much frankly, and OHMYGODTHEHEAVENIWALKEDINTO... I WAY overspent and bought Ken a new Le Creuset pan he had been wanting ($140, store price around $190) and a Brooks Brothers seer sucker suit (I guess about $200 in the store, $130 at the outlet), since mine was irreparably damaged last year (nothing dramatic, just a coffee incident which sat on the pants for a long time). I also bought a really cute Banana Repub shirt (said shirt I was wearing last night and got the compliment). That pissed me off though, there was this big "50% OFF!" sign next to it and it rung up at full price ($34.95, why is ANYTHING full price at an outlet?) and I said something to which surly manager waiting on me said, "that's clearly marked as the pants". I was looking at the sign and didn't see it, and she had to point out the much smaller, different colored text that said "Pants". I said, "you guys do that on purpose so that I get up here and would feel foolish to change my mind on the sale", and she simply said "no, we don't. The sign is clear." Had I ANY testicles at all I would have told her to stuff it, but I just looked too good in the shirt. >:)
Today is the first day of a new benefit I am rolling out at work (I am ALL about the benes, baby), I am calling it "Spring Break" and once a month for three months, we will close the office at 4pm and go DO something; since it is SO nasty cold out this month, we are just going to a local watering hole, but I think next month we may do Lucky Strike downtown (new WAY hip bowling alley and bar).
I suppose I should wrap up. The boring details of the last day: last night, pizza (I had to, there was only fried food crap at the after party and it was late). Today, yogurt, protein bar, a half of a club sandwich and diet coke for lunch, about two cups of popcorn in the afternoon. Haven't decided what for the "Spring Break", but probably will stick to diet coke since I want to go to the gym later.